Finding Comfort in Sitting: Exploring Your Hidden Body Information

Unlock the secrets to comfortable sitting and improve your body awareness! In today’s fast-paced world, we often find ourselves sitting for extended periods, which can lead to discomfort and even pain. But what if there was a way to sit more comfortably and listen to the hidden information that our bodies are trying to… Continue reading Finding Comfort in Sitting: Exploring Your Hidden Body Information

How DMR Meets and Exceeds International Standards for Treating Pain in Athletes

How DMR Move Meets and Exceeds International Standards for Treating Pain in Athletes When it comes to treating pain in athletes, the world-wide consensus is that we are not treating it appropriately with the current healthcare model.   Organizations ranging from the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), and US Military… Continue reading How DMR Meets and Exceeds International Standards for Treating Pain in Athletes

The Science of Stretching

The Science of Stretching: Latest Research, Benefits, and Techniques It is commonly believed that stretching could physically “lengthen” muscles and other soft tissues (such as tendons and fascia) by holding a stretch for an extended period of time or through all sorts of stretching techniques with fancy names. It is easy to believe this is… Continue reading The Science of Stretching